Universal mounting enclosure with separate connection space (e.g. for the installation of a safety transformer up to max. 150 VA) for site cast or prefabricated concrete structures, for the installation of LV/HV/LED-luminaires and speakers and high-quality electronic components, suitable for adhesive fixing and opposing shuttering, for installation in ceilings from 180mm, wall installation with IBT support spars, recommended accessories for mounting in in-situ concrete applications: nailing tool NAH IBTronic H120 order no. 979 218 01, use 4 support spars STH each for support spar technology, for the installation of VDE-approved lights per DIN EN 60598 (VDE 0711), as well as with F identification or MM identification, max. installation height LV lights: 120mm, HV lights: 125mm, lamp output max. 50 W, lamp output LED max. 20 W, selectable outlet aperture:Fermacell(R) plasterboard variable up to max. 100mm or 108 / 120mm